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Marked decline in the price of LED bulbs, the European market
2013-05-23 07:04:19  

    Replace 60-watt incandescent bulb commodity, a marked decline in market prices in Europe

April replace 60W LED bulb showing global average decline of 1.2%, reaching $ 23.8. In addition to China and Taiwan, the average price rose due to new items prices higher, the average price of the rest of the basic maintenance of a steady downward trend.
Japan April prices showed a decline of 7.1%, reaching $ 23.9. The original commodity prices fluctuated trend, while the exchange rate and lower prices. South Korea region prices showed a slight decline of 1.6%, the original commodity prices unchanged, mainly due to exchange rate increases will lead to lower prices.
U.S. District April prices show 0.7% decline, the original commodity price fluctuations, more items added this month. UK and Germany showing 4.8% and 7.3% decline in the German original commodity prices generally decline in two areas, new items less.
China and Taiwan, respectively, replace 60W commodity prices showed 11.6% and 13.4 rise. Two regions the original commodity prices basically remained stable, mainly due to higher prices of new items resulting price rise.
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